Interested in Becoming a Catholic?
Within our Parish Vision and Mission statement, we speak of as disciples of Jesus, we embark on a life-long journey of learning and growing in relationship with the Lord, embracing Him as ‘the Way, the Truth, and the Life’ reflected in the way in which we live our lives.
We are called to spread the Good News of Christ making a positive contribution to the world!
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults [RCIA] is our Catholic response to reaching out to those wishing to know more about being a Catholic. Soon, that journey will begin.
If you or someone you know, may be pondering about the Catholic Faith, wondering how to answer God’s invitation to them to enter into a relationship with Jesus and with our Church, invite them to contact us. To discuss any queries about RCIA, please contact the Parish Office either in person, or by phone, 9401 6322.
Updates from the RCIA Ministry Team (20 August 2021):
Our RCIA Ministry Team gathered to discuss the journey ahead for those who have been in contact seeking to know about our Church, our faith. If you or someone you know is searching for understanding big life questions – first tell your story about how Jesus has helped you in your quest, and then give them our Parish phone number (9412 8493).