Monique Heckmann


Monique Heckmann

Parish Administration

Quick Contact

  • 03 9412 8493

About Monique Heckmann

The Parish Finance and Administration Officer is to oversee the practices and procedures of the Parish Finances.  This includes all aspects of the Parish Accounts, Stewardship and Parish Contribution.  

As a part of the team, the Finance and Administration officer is responsible for coordinating repairs, maintenance and supplies of all Parish facilities and to ensure the parish office runs smoothly, whilst assisting all team members administratively. 

Any concerns or additional requirements are discussed with team members when the need arises, and work closely with the Communication team to ensure all current and relevant information is updated in the parish website.  

As a member of the Safeguarding Children Committee, we actively continue to work on the implementation of the policy in planning its application to the Parish.