15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 12 July 2020

Mass Readings

Reading 1 – Isaiah 55:10-11
Psalm – Psalm 65: 10, 11, 12-13, 14
Reading 2 – Romans 8:18-23
Gospel – Matthew 13:1-23


We find ourselves once again in lockdown. As a community we had hoped we were managing our lives well in the midst of the virus but there has been a gradual increase in the infections taking place. So we are having to again embrace these new restrictions to help us contain and lessen the spread of the virus and to help enable us to create a more safe and liveable  environment for all in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic. This will be for at least a 6 week period.

In the midst of these days we find ourselves frustrated, but also we do find ourselves being anxious and concerned about our own families and our livelihoods, and wondering how we can manage this uncertain period. In what ways does our relationship with God influence and nourish us during this time. 

The words of the Gospel this weekend speak of the power of the seed to grow and develop in the midst of many challenges. When the sower spread the seed, it seemed that much of it was wasted and that was not the expected response. There were many obstacles and set-backs. Yet growth did take place and there was a huge harvest from the small amount of seeds that were planted in the good soil. It reveals how powerful the Word of God is and how powerful the action of the Spirit in human lives. So often this life-giving action can be hidden from view and there appears to be nothing taking place. In fact we can only see the negative, we are being made to observe the failures and self-centredness that affect our human lives. Yet the actions we do take in following the protocols that are in place, all help to keep us safe. Also the actions we do take in caring for our families, for example, those moments of kindness and patience, our willingness to assist others where we can. These actions can seem insignificant, in that they appear not to be affecting real change, yet there is something profound happening. God is close to us in all that we seek to be and do. These little seeds being sown are giving us all encouragement and hope in the midst of our present situation. May we continue to sow these seeds which truly reveal the love of God in action within our family and community. It is to trust that our efforts in this time of lockdown are all part of God’s on-going  transformation and humanising of our world.                                                                                                                                                                                         

Fr Martin Ashe
Parish Priest