CTAL May - June 2019

Cookhouses ‘n Tanks a Lot An Australian partnership for clean drinking water and communal cookhouses in remote Papua New Guinea rural villages.

Making Book Bags For The Rotary / Mercy Hub Book Fair


Donations may be made by cheque to  “ISMAPNG-CTAL” 

Post to PO Box 504, Carlton North Vic 3054.    

Or internet banking directly through a Commonwealth Bank or agency to:

Account Name: ISMAPNG-CTAL   

BSB 063 141    

Acct No: 10504279. Thank You 


During these last three years whilst we have been completing the pilot program of three cookhouses in independent locations, CTAL remained unincorporated as “a good idea” is never enough to get over the corporation threshold. However, we are now almost ready to present a substantial portfolio of work done effectively, which may be attractive enough a proposition to gain us admittance within an established not-for-profit non-government organization operating in Papua New Guinea. There is a further impetus in that the Australian government is tightening the accountability for charitable donations transmitted overseas from July 1, 2019.  Many thanks to Nick Brown for his assistance with the submission writing. The advantages for us in incorporation are several. We would have ACN registration for public fundraising, would gain the administrative support and up-to-date information of a larger organization, and would probably gain tax exemption for purchases in Australia and Papua New Guinea. The potential disadvantage is the relinquishing of a measure of independence of vision, priorities and planning as we would be joining an international team.  More on this story in our next edition….. 


As reported in our last issue, There was a short delay in transporting the materials to Goglme, due to the illness of a key person. So Fr John Bike, the parish priest of Goglme and Brendan Gilsenan, of Gilsenan Melpa Hardware met in Mt Hagen and decided on the timing of the loads of building materials to Golgme. The first load for the foundations was delivered up the mountain road. We also needed to fund a tool kit for the local builder as he did not have enough tools for this job. So now work has commenced on this third cookhouse and we look forward to hearing of its continuing progress. Finally, we paid for the sink and shelves for the Pumakos cookhouse last month. 

We are still waiting for the delivery of the three wood stoves from China. Brendan said that they were on the high seas a fortnight ago, so should be on the wharf in Lae and up the Highlands highway very soon...