September - a month of Prayer

Here we are beginning another month, another week of ‘lockdown.’  It has been a very challenging and unsettling time for all of us on every level of our life an impact effective of the COVID19 pandemic.  

At a recent Parish Staff Meeting we were discussing how we might be able to support and assist our Parish Community in their prayer life.  Calling to mind the words of St Paul, to ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing giving thanks in all circumstances,’ 1Thess 5:17, we offer our first guide, [A Friendly Guide to Prayer, Michael Whelan, SM]  ‘Mystery – Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved’ a short reflection and guide on ‘listening with the heart’.  

Here is a resource for the individual or perhaps you and your spouse or friend, to bring a deepening awareness of the promptings of the human heart which sets us on the path to forming a deeper relationship with God.  Download this week’s guide as well as a booklet of prayers which may be of some assistance as you develop your prayer practice through the month of September and beyond.  

If you have any questions, please contact me at

Sandy Starbuck
Pastoral Associate