Special Thanks to our Music Ministry Teams

If you were able to attend our Holy Week or Easter services, the music that greeted each of us and carried us in song throughout the Triduum, gave cause for the Parish of Christ of Light to give thanks. 

Let us give thanks to God for those who provided the Music Liturgy that carried our prayer, reflection and praise to the heavens. Thank you to Cookee David and Lloyd Seamus for providing us with the melodious songs befitting our Holy Thursday Service, Stations of the Cross and then to lift us joyfully in harmonious Praise at the Easter Vigil. 

We are also grateful to Al Mercado and Choir pictured here in white fitting for Friday of the Passion of the Lord and in yellow for celebration of Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of the Lord. Share your experience with your friends and family and invite them to come along to experience those that serve God through their music and song!

Good friday choir
Easter Sunday choir