ZOOM Catechist Classes - Sacrament of Eucharist

Over the past 7 weeks, children from the government schools within our Parish have been loyally joining me on Zoom for their preparation for the Sacrament of Eucharist. No matter that we are unable to provide a date for the celebration of their joining us at the Table of Our Lord; each week 28 students have come on board to give an hour to embracing learning of the source and summit of our Catholic Faith. 

I thank you for your prayers which have been answered in their faithful attendance, the completion of their worksheets, and the outpouring of their young faith and trust in the example of their friend Jesus reflected in their work. Here are a few examples of their art work! 

Sandy Starbuck, Pastoral Associate 

Alannah Impala chalice
Xavier Vella
Briana chalice
Fiona Polifroni chalice
Noah Cattenazzi

The prayer below from Xavier Vella reflects how God’s Spirit continues to be present and active in our Parish Community.

Xavier's prayer