Blessed, Broken and Shared—Reflection on Ministry Part 2

Youth Ministry—Altar Server 

"Altar Serving for me is a way to express my faith and love in God and Christ by helping out around the church. Altar serving can be daunting, walking in front of the church congregation is quite a big deal but it is a great way to grow leadership skills, teamwork and take responsibilities. My first time altar serving was really tough and I kept thinking about what others would think of me and if I would look like a complete fool. This only made me keep doing it, overcoming my fears. It's a great experience and I strongly encourage other children to get involved and to grow faith and love in God." 

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Ministry

"RCIA is an opportunity to join with others as they begin their exploration of what faith and God means to them. It is always amazing to hear the stories of these individuals and what has brought them to RCIA and it is a privilege to walk beside them as these take these steps. As a team member I am constantly reminded why I have my faith and it also affords me the chance to delve deeper into my own faith and what it is to be Catholic."

God has blessed each of us with unique personal and spiritual gifts. Let us use these gifts in service of others, both within and beyond our parish. Everyone is invited to reflect on our own gifts and how we can use them to become missionary disciples of Jesus. You too can make a difference!