Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Mass Readings

Reading 1 – Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17
Psalm – Ps 123:1-2, 2-3, 5-6
Reading 2 – St Paul to Corinth 15:20-26, 28
Gospel – Matthew 25:31-46

Gospel Reflection

Fr Martin Ashe, Parish Priest

What we notice in the gospel of the Last Judgement is how the list of actions is very ordinary and very human. There is nothing dramatic being spoken of. It is to feed the hungry, to provide a drink for the one who is thirsty, to welcome the stranger, to provide clothing for the naked, to care for the sick, and visit the one who is in prison. These are actions that address basic human needs. They are simple and practical. Traditionally they have been called the works of Mercy. To be responsive to those in need is to alleviate the human suffering of another and affirm the true dignity and worth of another.

The Judgement scene itself involves all the nations. The gospel message is not restricted to those who are people of faith and nor does it exempt those of no faith. There is this basic sense that each human being is living within a community of fellow human beings. We share a common humanity and can recognize and be affected by the suffering of another to affirm their true dignity and worth.

In many ways the Judgement scene itself has already revealed that a person’s life has already being judged by their very actions. We as readers of the Gospel are being made aware of what the reign of God looks like on this earth. It is a call to cultivate an environment where all members of the human family can experience a sense of dignity and belonging. It is especially being committed to responding to those in difficulty and neglect around us. The life of Jesus is a true example of his. 

For us as Christians this gospel draws us into a deeper appreciation of Christ presence in the world especially recognizing the suffering of Christ in the midst of the suffering of our brothers and sisters. When we are sensitive and responsive to the suffering of the other in whatever guise it is being revealed, we are responding to Christ. Indeed we are blessed when embrace the heart and the pathway of Jesus by helping to create a more humane and merciful world in the times we live in.