Farewell Sr Maureen.. Untill we meet again...
Our Final Farewell to Sr Maureen Delaney
Prayer for peace and reconciliation October 17, Tuesday
Cardinal Pizzaballa, who is President of the Assembly of the Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, has urged all parishes and religious communities to mark this day of prayer on Tuesday, October 17.
Filipino Fiesta & Santacruzan Dinner night fundraiser.
Photos from the Filipino dinner night
Youth Mass 2023
Youth mass July 2023
Parish camp information
Parish winter camp 21st - 23rd July 2023...
Mother's Day Dinner & Talent Show
May 13th Mothers Day Dinner and Christ the Light Talent show
Bunnings sausage Sizzle
Join us this weekend at the Mernda Bunnings Sausage Sizzle fundraiser
Fundraising dinner led by SriLankan community
Social gathering & fundraising dinner to support the new church building led by our Sri Lankan community
Ash Wednesday Observance
22 February 2023 - Ash Wednesday
Parish Feast Day Celebration 2023
Parish Feast Day celebration will be held on Saturday 11th February at 6pm, St Mary’s school oval, Fir Street, Whittlesea following the 5:30pm Mass at St. Mary's Whittlesea.
2022 Christmas Mass Times
Christmas Masses at the Nazareth Centre and St Mary's Whittlesea
Photos from our multicultural dinner night
Photos from our multicultural night
Archbishop Comensoli's "Welcome Home" Message
Archbishop Peter Comensoli has written this beautiful letter to God's pilgrim people, welcoming everyone back "home" to our parishes where we are able to hear God's Word, pray and worship together physically again after the pandemic.
Multicultural Dinner tickets now available
Join us at the Parish Multicultural Evening on Saturday, 19 November at the Anawim Centre Whittlesea, from 6pm onwards. Bookings are now open!
A special cause for thanksgiving
Every event in our Parish is cause for us to lift our hands in thanksgiving to God our Father who reveals his love for all his people.
Cake Stall fundraiser a success!
Congratulations to everyone for a combined effort and hard work put into raising $1,575 for the new church building fund!
Cake Stall on Father's Day Weekend
The Parish is holding a Cake Stall on Father's Day Weekend (Saturday 3 and Sunday 4, September) after each mass. All proceeds and donations will go towards the building of our new church!
First Eucharist Celebration
During the month of August children from across all schools in the Parish, will receive for the FIRST time, Jesus Christ in Holy Communion. Retreats were held in our 3 Catholic Schools and the Parish Catechetical Program.
Encountering God's presence in prayer
Children preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist have been encouraged to take up an invitation to prayer. They have created prayer spaces at home to give them and their families an opportunity to experience prayer and to encounter the presence of God.
Preparing your child for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation?
What's the best preparation for your child's Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and/or Confirmation?PRAYER! Our Parish Associate, Sandy Starbuck shares some helpful resources to assist families in preparation for their children to receive the Sacraments.
Blessed, Broken and Shared - Reflection on Ministry Part 3
A Eucharist Minister and a member of our Liturgy Ministry share personal reflections on their experiences in serving God and others.
Blessed, Broken and Shared—Reflection on Ministry Part 2
An altar server and an RCIA volunteer share personal reflections on their experiences in serving God and others through the Parish Ministries they are involved in.
Blessed, Broken and Shared—Reflection on Ministry
Some of our young parishioners share personal reflections on their experiences in serving God and others through the various Parish Ministries they are involved in.
Sacrament of Confirmation Preparation Program
If your child was unable to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation as a result of COVID-19 and you would like to bring your child into full communion with the Church, please get in touch with us!
Election Day Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser
The Parish raised a total of $1667.75 from the recent Election Day Fundraiser! All proceeds will go to our Church Building Project. Thank you so much for your support!!
Lego Raffle Winners
Congratulations to our Lego Raffle Winners
Working bees for Mother's Day
We thank our volunteer working bees who got busy preparing beautiful flower bouquets for the Parish Mother's Day celebrations. Special thanks to Bill and Mary for sharing these colourful blooms from their very own garden!
Weekly news bulletin is not available this weekend as the Parish Office transitions into its new location.
Holy Week Liturgies
You are invited to journey with Fr Hien and parish RCIA 2022 by following the Liturgies
Parish Activities for Lent 2022
In observance of Lent, join the rest of our parish community every Friday for the Stations of the Cross at St Mary's Church, Whittlesea and St Joseph's Church, Mernda. You're also invited to our online Lenten Reflection Program via Zoom on the Fridays of Lent starting on 11 March at 7PM.
Ash Wednesday Masses
Ash Wednesday (2 March 2022) Schedule of Masses
Mass times are 7am, 8am, 9:15 am , 12pm (noon) and 7pm
The Archdiocese has provided parishes with updated guidelines which are as follows:
Written by Sr Maureen Delaney
CTL Parish Memories with Bishop Martin
Here are some shots from the photo scrapbook the Parish has prepared as a farewell gift for Bishop Martin.
Parish Church Building Prayer
Christ the Light Parish Church Building Prayer
Parish Sacramental Preparation Program
Our Parish Sacramental Preparation Program is now accepting registrations for 2022.
10th Year Anniversary Celebration of Christ the Light Parish
You are invited to a special parish celebration to take place on Saturday evening, 12th February, at the Anawim centre and oval at St Mary's Whittlesea.
Christmas Blessings and Happy New Year
Dear Friends,
Entering into the Advent season this year, our community has a spiritual program called ‘Advent Reflection - Being together in Advent’. It was a faith journey of our community where we share the richness of the Words of God through our own lives’ experiences.
Christmas Masses
2021 Christmas Masses schedule now available.
Church Building Prayer
Blessing of Nativity Scene in Doreen
A nativity scene has been installed at the site of our future church. Fr Hien Vu presided over the blessing ceremony held on 8 December, the same day we observed the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
Bunnings Mernda Sausage Sizzle Success
We thank our volunteers and customers for supporting the Parish at our Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Mernda on Sunday, 28 November. With donations we made $1,400 for the church fund.
Equal Opportunity (Religious Exceptions) Amendment Bill 2021
The Most Rev Peter A Comensoli, Archbishop of Melbourne has issued a letter regarding the proposed new legislation, the Equal Opportunity (Religious Exceptions) Amendment Bill 2021 from the State Government, which will impact on all faith-based organisations in Victoria.
Message from Fr Hien Vu, Parish Priest
Greetings! Allow me to call you - Friends. In the last weeks with you, I would like formally to introduce myself to you. Some of you may remember that I was here as an assistant priest in 2007 and 2008. Coming to the parish this time, I consider myself like a son returning after an absence.
Online Booking for All Saints Day & All Souls Day Services
Trybooking links for the All Saints Day and All Souls Day Services are now open.
Getting proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations online
A COVID-19 digital certificate is available to anyone who has received 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Here are some instructions to help you download your vaccination certificate into your mobile device.
The First General Assembly of the Plenary Council - The Journey so Far
As we conclude the First General Assembly of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia, the process of discernment continues. From the opening Mass to the closing of the Assembly, our prayer has been ‘Come, Holy Spirit.’
Weekly resource series for parishioners
Recognising that many of our parishioners can’t stomach another sourdough starter or simply don't have the appetite for another project, but may be interested in some accessible and spiritually nourishing resources, we continue to offer parishes Lockdown Light
Life, Marriage and Family Sunday
Life, Marriage and Family Sunday is celebrated on Sunday 10 October throughout the Archdiocese and, in doing so, recognise the central role that marriage and family play in building flourishing homes, parishes and societies.
October: Month of the Most Holy Rosary
Members of our Parish continue to gather on Saturday at 3pm for an hour of praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Rosary via Zoom. Join us every Saturday during the whole month of October which is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary.
Archbishop Comensoli on proposed Victorian Road Map
Archbishop Peter Comensoli has provided a quote for The Age (last weekend) concerning many unanswered questions regarding the proposed Victorian Roadmap, especially the implications for places of worship.
Join Opening Mass and Daily Sessions of Plenary Council
The First Assembly of the 5th Plenary Council - a significant gathering of Bishops, priests and lay faithful - of Australia begins Sunday 3 October via a mix of in-person and online delivery.
2021 Safeguarding Sunday Prayer
To acknowledge Safeguarding Sunday 2021 on the 12th of September, we join the whole Catholic community in saying this special prayer for our children and vulnerable people – especially those who are at risk, wounded, abused, broken and unheard.
Welcome Fr Hien Vu
A welcome note to Fr Hien Vu, our new parish priest from Parish Leadership Team Chair Chris Blake on behalf of the entire Christ the Light Parish community.
Pastoral Letter on the application of Traditionis Custodes in the Archdiocese of Melbourne
The Most Rev Peter A Comensoli, Archbishop of Melbourne has issued this Pastoral Letter on the application of Traditionis Custodes in the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
Prayer for Father's Day
As we celebrate Father's Day this Sunday, 5 September we offer this prayer to all fathers in our parish and the rest of the world.
Lockdown Outreach Activities
The Parish Team is aware of the enormous impact these prolonged lockdowns have to many of us. So, we're organising Trivia Nights, Care Calls and a weekday online mass as a way to get connected and strengthen our sense of belonging to each other as one community.
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
The first person in the Gospels to proclaim Jesus was Mary, his mother. She remains, more than 2000 years later, the most popular Christian saint. She is the most influential woman in history, and the most loved.
Feast of St Mary MacKillop
On 8 August, people across the world who continue to be inspired by St Mary of the Cross, Mackillop will celebrate her life and legacy. Australia’s only Saint, Mary’s love and compassion excluded no one. She had a very special place in her heart for those most disadvantaged, marginalised
Fr Martin Ordained Bishop
In a joyous celebration, Fr Martin, along with Monsignor Tony Ireland, was ordained a bishop on July 31. Despite severe restrictions on numbers, a few parishioners were able to attend. We've captured the celebration in a photo slideshow.
Important Notice: Snap Lockdown Restrictions
It is hard to imagine that Victoria has entered into a ‘snap lockdown’ from 8:00pm Thursday 5 August 2021 for seven days or until otherwise notified. During this ‘snap lockdown’ our places of worships are closed. Weekend and weekday Masses will not be celebrated.
Farewell Letter from Fr Martin
Dear Parishioners,
As I come to the end of my time here at Christ the Light the parish, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge my gratitude and appreciation to you all for your contribution and commitment to the life and growth of our faith community.
Support Marianette's Fundraiser for Cancer
Marianette Mangoba, a former altar server and School Captain of St. Mary's Whittlesea, has decided to cut her hair for the first time EVER on her birthday (August 25) to raise money for the Cancer Council.
Fr Martin's Farewell Postponed!
Sadly, due to the extended lockdown in Victoria we have had to postpone Fr Martin's Farewell yet again. We will pick a suitable date in August when Fr Martin comes back so we can give him the farewell he deserves.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) 2021/2022 Journey
The RCIA journey for those who wish to know more about being a Catholic will soon begin. If you know someone who's pondering about our Faith and wondering how to answer God's invitation for them to enter a relationship with Jesus and the Chruch, invite them to contact our Parish Office!
Letter from Fr Martin Ashe
There can be certain times in our lives where the action of the Spirit can surprise us and call us to embrace a new direction, or a new task. Each one of us is called by the Spirit to make a difference in the world of our times.
Gerrad Harper receives Sacraments of Initiation following his RCIA journey
At Pentecost Sunday the Parish welcomed and congratulated Gerrad Harper into Full Communion of the Catholic Church.
Archbishop Comensoli's Pastoral Letter for Pentecost
“Take the Way of the Gospel,” Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli’s pastoral letter for Pentecost, reflects on the story of that long ago Pentecost in relation to “reimagining our local church as mission communities."
New Auxiliary Bishops appointed for Melbourne
Pope Francis announced the appointment of two new auxiliary bishops of Melbourne, the Reverend Monsignor Anthony Ireland and the Reverend Father Martin Ashe. We are delighted with this news and pray for them as they support Archbishop Peter A Comensoli in serving Australia’s most populous diocese.
Confirmation 2021
The Sacrament of Confirmation took place last weekend with Bishop Terry Curtin and Fr Martin Ashe at the Anawin Centre, Whittlesea. We congratulate all the children from our Parish. We pray that they will lead spirit-filled lives.
MAY - the month of the rosary
Heed Pope Francis' call for a global prayer marathon for the entire month of May, praying for an end to the Covid-19 pandemic. Pray the rosary by yourself or with your family, friends and communities.
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle a Success!
A big thank you to everyone for supporting our Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on April 10!
Catechumens received the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil
The parish community welcomed catechumens as they received the Sacraments of Initiation during the Easter Vigil. St Paul the Apostle student also joined us for his Sacrament of Confirmation.
Special Thanks to our Music Ministry Teams
Our parish is very grateful for those who provided the Music Liturgy that carried our prayer, reflection and praise to the heavens throughout the Easter Triduum.
An Easter Message from Fr Martin Ashe
May the blessings of the risen Lord find a place in your hearts and come near to all of your families during this Easter time.
COVIDSafe Summer Rules and Our Parish
Introducing the Parish Animation team
The recent restructure in the Archdiocese has been undertaken to focus our attention on becoming more intentional and effective outposts of the Great Commission. The parish Animation team has been formed to connect with and support the animation of parishes.
Rite of Election 2021
Let's remember our newly RCIA Elects Mark Lockwood, Gerrad Harper and Sonya Nwokediuko in our prayers as their journey takes them into a time of ‘self-searching and repentance’ over the final three weeks of Lent through the Scrutinies.
COVID-19 Guideline Updates
Read the latest Government COVID-19 guidelines on the celebration of Mass and other parish activities.
Friday Lenten Reflection Series
Our parish is hosting the Friday Lenten Reflection Series from 19 February to 26 March. Join us in this prayerful journey through Lent.
Helping Hands Needed
Volunteers - we need your help! Read further for details on how you can assist the Parish in various capacities.
Sacramental Preparation
Interested in preparing your children who attend non-Catholic schools for the Sacraments of the Church? Contact us today!
Celebrating the Birth of Christ
As we come close to the end of 2020, we do so having experienced many difficulties and challenges this year.
A journey of faith through RCIA
Anne Rouge, 2019/2020 RCIA Candidate was Initiated into the Catholic Community as Baptised, Confirmed and received the Eucharist during Mass at St Mary's Whittlesea. She spoke to our Pastoral Associate Sandy Starbuck about her experience in her faith journey.
Receipts and Stewardship Envelopes available for collection this weekend
Receipts and Stewardship Envelopes are available in the back of the churches this weekend.
Donate kitchen items to Cookhouses 'n Tanks a Lot!
Some of you may have been spring cleaning during the lockdown and may not yet have disposed of your extras in the kitchen. We are looking for some items to assist the Papua New Guinea women to try additional cooking recipes and need some kitchen equipment to send to them.
Sacrament of Confirmation 2020
Our Parish is now able to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in the latter part of 2020 following a particularly difficult year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please keep our children and their families in your prayers at this time.
Leading a Missionary Parish: "Growing Missionary Disciples in your Parish” with Sherry Weddell
In this fifth installment of the series Sherry Weddell, world-renowned author of Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus and founder of the Catherine of Siena Institute, shares ideas on how we can grow missionary disciples in our parish.
COVID19 Updated Mass Schedule
The Archdiocese has provided us with the new guidelines. The celebration will take place with restrictions on numbers. Following the government announcement on the 8th November, we will update you again on the new arrangements.
Remembrance Day
Today, 11 November we reflect and remember those dedicated men and women who gave their lives serving and protecting our nation. Children from St Mary's Parish Primary School commemorate Remembrance Day with a video reflection.
Celebrating Childrens' Week 2020
Children and young people are at the heart of our parishes within the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, and Children's Week provides the opportunity to reflect on the ways in which this is made manifest in our communities.
People of faith deserve hope, not exile: Archbishop Comensoli
In this piece from Archbishop Peter Comensoli which originally appeared in the Herald Sun (19 October 2020), he laments the Victorian government's announcement to keep Melbourne's doors of faith closed in step two of the COVID-19 road map.
Ready, Set, Pray! Children’s Liturgy of the Word @ Home
The Ready, Set, Pray! Children’s Liturgy of the Word @ Home video series has been created to provide an engaging space for families to encounter Jesus through the Sunday gospel. It's a very useful resource for our parish and primary school families.
Children preparing for Confirmation craft and share their Holy Spirit Shields
Children in our Parish Confirmation Preparation Program show creativity in crafting their Holy Spirit Shields which reflect how they see God's spirit in themselves, their sponsors, their chosen saints and in their actions.
Free e-book on 'Online safety for grandparents and carers'
The eSafety Commissioner has recently published a free e-book resource 'Online safety for grandparents and carers' which provides advice about online safety issues that children and young people may experience. Download it now!
Pope releases new encyclical, ’Fratelli tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship’
On 4 October to mark the conclusion of the 2020 Season of Creation, Pope Francis released a new encyclical 'Fratelli tutti,' which explores themes of friendship and unity in a time of growing fragmentation. It is a diagnosis of the social problems plaguing our world and the Pope's proposed cures.
Re-opening in COVID-19 time (October 2020)
A message from Fr Martin Ashe on changes in religious gatherings in our Parish following easing of COVID-19 restrictions.
September Week 4 - Month of Prayer
Welcome to the fourth week of our Month of Prayer. The theme for this week is 'THE KINGDOM IS WITHIN.' A Guide to Prayer, Reflection and Practice sections are provided here to assist with nurturing our prayer practice.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Children in our parish who are attending preparation classes for their Sacrament of Reconciliation have made special Family Prayer Spaces in their homes where they spend time to talk with God.
Letter from Archbishop Comensoli
Read the letter from Archbishop Peter Comensoli to the people and clergy of the Archdiocese of Melbourne regarding latest updates on the COVID-19 Restrictions in Victoria.
Video Message from Fr Martin to our school community in Whittlesea
Fr Martin sent a video message to our school community at St Mary's Catholic School in Whittlesea. He talked about the colours of spring and the hope it brings! As COVID-19 restrictions continue, the Parish finds ways to reach out to our school children who are special in God's eyes.
Season of Creation
Pope Francis is encouraging parishes and schools to participate in a Season of Creation, commencing September 1 and ending October 4, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. We are called to prayer, reflection and action towards care of our common home, the planet Earth.
September - a month of Prayer
In order to assist our parish community in their prayer life, we are naming September as a Month of Prayer. A Guide to Prayer will be featured on our website with Reflection and Practice sections to assist with nurturing our prayer practice. For this first week, MYSTERY will be our focus.
Resources for the Month of Prayer
To assist our families during this Month of Prayer, a DIY instruction guide for making a Family Prayer Space featuring what is needed, a Booklet of Prayers and other digital resources have been made available for everyone!
To Live Life to the Full: Mental Health in Australia Today
In the Social Justice Statement 2020-21, To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today, the Bishops invite our parishes, organisations and communities to be places of acceptance, care and healing for those experiencing mental health problems, not places of rejection, judgment or stigma.
Light in the Darkness
As the last light of the last day of winter fades, you are invited to light a candle, stand in your front garden and spend some time in silence to remember all those who have lost their lives to COVID-19 or to violence. Then, look to the future with prayer and hope.
ZOOM Catechist Classes - Sacrament of Eucharist
Our Pastoral Associate Sandy Starbuck provides some update the preparation for the Sacrament of Eucharist of children from government schools within our Parish.
Parish children depict the "cup of our salvation" in colourful works of art
In a previous article, we shared how the children of our parish have been attending the Parish Sacramental Program for First Eucharist via Zoom. They were asked to decorate the chalice and share what they would feel when they first receive Holy Communion. We proudly feature more of their works here!
"The Father’s heart: a vision for missionary renewal" by Father James Mallon (Canada)
Watch the third installment of the 'Leading a Missionary Parish' series, designed for Parish leaders to hear from global leaders about missionary parish renewal. Talk 3: The Father’s heart: a vision for missionary renewal with Fr James Mallon.
Melbourne ACYF Lockdown Special
Last year, more than 1,000 young Melburnians travelled thousands of kilometers to Perth to attend the Australian Catholic Youth Festival. They had a wonderful online reunion with Archbishop Peter A Comensoli and Fr Rob Galea on 12th August 2020 at 5pm.
Parish Sacramental Program for First Eucharist
The children of our Parish continue to come together via Zoom in preparation for their First Communion. Let's continue to pray for them and their families as they prepare for the celebration of this sacrament.
You can make a difference!
At a time when living our faith seems to be "locked down," God is challenging each of us to get actively involved in our parish by reaching out to one another, supporting each other and growing together as one faith community. Join us in these exciting new parish initiatives and make a difference!
’Revealers of Jesus’: Video message from Archbishop Peter A Comensoli
How might we be “revealers of Jesus” during this time of pandemic? In his latest video message, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli encourages the community to draw strength from Jesus, whose vulnerability on the cross revealed to the world the depths of His love.
Letter from our Parish Priests in this Time of Pandemic
In the midst of this pandemic, we are being invited to recognise that we are not alone. The Lord is with us. May our faith, hope and love be a source of strength and encouragement for us all within our families and the broader community.
"The hope that does not disappoint" with Dr Mary Healy (USA)
Watch the second installment of the 'Leading a Missionary Parish' series, where Parish leaders are invited to hear from global leaders in missionary parish renewal. Talk 2: "The hope that does not disappoint" with Dr Mary Healy (Recorded 20 July 2020)
Becoming Catholic
Interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith?
The Field Hospital Exercises
Join The Field Hospital Exercises, a series of three new prayer exercises from the First Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Ministry, to ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit in you and let it permeate onto others you meet.
ICYMI: "Awakening your heart for mission" with Fr Stephen Langridge (UK)
Watch the first installment of the 'Leading a Missionary Parish' series, where Parish leaders are invited to hear from global leaders in missionary parish renewal. Talk 1: "Awakening your heart for mission" with Fr Stephen Langridge (Recorded 2 July 2020)
COVID-19 Appeal
Donate today to keep vital mission programs alive!
Parish Finance Committee Report
Our parish needs your support during these difficult times. Here are some ways you can contribute.
Over 300 local churches united together in Australia to sing a blessing over our nation.
During this time of uncertainty and physical isolation, over 300 local churches united together in Australia to sing a blessing over our nation. This is the first time this has happened
Update from the Parish Leadership Team
Read the latest report from our Parish Leadership Team
COVID-19 Guideline Updates
Read the latest Government COVID-19 guidelines on the celebration of Mass and other parish activities.
Ascension and Pentecost: Catholic Faith Formation Newsletter
Celebrate Ascension and Pentecost, two great feasts that signal the end of Easter, with these excellent ideas from the Catholic Faith Formation newsletter.
COVID-19 Pastoral letter - 15 May 2020
COVID-19 Pastoral Letter to Members of the Catholic community in Victoria,
The Catholic Dioceses of Melbourne, Ballarat, Sale and Sandhurst
Presbytery work in progress
Here are some photos of the presbytery work in progress.
Communication to Parish Community
Communication to Parish Community
What a strange and unsettling storm we are living through! Our lives have become a seesaw between physical isolation and online overload.
COVID-19 Updates
Guidelines in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic from 19 March 2020 until further notice
Suspension of Public Masses: Effective 18 March 2020
Update from the Catholic Bishops of Victoria on COVID-19
A letter from the Catholic Bishops of Victoria on COVID-19
RCIA-presentation of candidates
Our newly Elect, Anne Rouge and Sajad Kolahdooz, together with their Godparent and Sponsors, RCIA Ministry Team & parish community.
BBQ day at St Mary's Church Kinglake
Photos from the BBQ day at St Mary's Church Kinglake on 21st Feb 2020
Parish Feast Day BBQ
Parish Feast Day BBQ celebrated on Saturday 15 February 6:15pm at St Joseph Primary School.
Congratulations to our very own Ray Rosales - Senior Citizen of the year 2020 Australia Day recipient
Parish Carol Group - Outreach Program
Outreach to age care
Thank you from our ACYF pilgrims
Our Seven ACYF pilgrims express their sincere gratitude and belongingness to the support and the encouragement of the parishioners of the Christ the Light Parish.